When Mind is at Rest, Thoughts Cease

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“Participating in Meditation has honestly been the best decision in life I’ve ever made....Right from the beginning I felt so much lighter with each session. I could feel my stress disappearing as I learned to subtract it. I am now a Level 3 student, and am so much happier than I’ve ever been. I now know an inner peace that doesn’t go away regardless of my situation...”
-Andrea, a pastry chef (Mahattan Beach, CA)

“A little over two years ago I was at my wit’s end. I had recently retired from the U.S. Postal Service after 30 years of service and was looking forward to enjoying unlimited freedom. However, it was not to be. A lifetime of negativity had created a continuously stressful existence. I felt at the mercy of overwhelmingly negative thoughts. I thought there was no way out...
The simple and direct idea of subtracting my negative thoughts really resonated with me. Once I mastered the method of subtracting from my mind, I found that I could finally become the person I was meant to be.”
-Ralph Ramos, a retiree (Pasadena, CA)

Hello, my name is Ruth Magallanes. I have been an educator for many years. Working in a public school in intercity Los Angeles can be very challenging. Working with all kinds of students, parents, school staff and the community had begun to take a toll on my thoughts and emotions. I had difficulty with insomnia and stress. My family had noticed the negative change. I was becoming unhappy and resented going to work, however I did not know the reasons.

A meditation pamphlet crossed my path. I read it but did not respond right away. It sat on my table for a few weeks. Finally I made the call and started meditation. The insomnia went away very quickly. The more I went to meditation the more my thoughts and emotions changed. Learning to subtract my thought was very powerful. My mind became less and less cluttered. With my mind becoming less cloudy I was able to understand more literature. I learned to create boundaries at work. I was able to stay focused and complete projects without feeling tension or pressure. The people around me noticed the positive change. I also was able to build better communication with my four adult children and my husband. 

 I know that you cannot change people, however by changing my thoughts the people around me changed. Even the undesirablepeople at work changed when I continued to subtract my thoughts. I realized the enormous amounts of energy that I had been previously wasting. I am continuing to attend meditation to seek truth. I feel very lighthearted and joyful. Being at peace with my thoughts and the universe has helped me enhance the way I organize my approach to be a better educator, mom, daughter, grandmother, friend and wife.

-Ruth Magallanes, an educator (West Covinia, CA)

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. 
– Lao Tzu