Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed - borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.


Scientific Research on Meditation

A research team led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers documented meditation-produced changes over time in the brain's grey matter. They reported that: 

“The analysis of magnetic resonance images, which focused on areas where meditation-associated differences were seen in earlier studies, found increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection. Participant-reported reductions in stress also were correlated with decreased grey-matter density in the amygdala, which is known to play an important role in anxiety and stress.” 

Britta Hölzel, PhD, first author of the paper and a research fellow at MGH and Giessen University in Germany wrote in Science Daily January 21, 2011: "It is fascinating to see the brain's plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life.”

The 7-Step Method
Level 1 – Throwing away the remembered thoughts 
Level 2 – Throwing away the images of myself, the images of my human relationships and myself 
Level 3 – Throwing away my body Level 4 – Throwing away my body and the universe 
Level 5 – Throwing away my body and the universe
Level 6 – Self disappears by subtraction and becomes the Universe 
Level 7 – Throwing away the illusionary world of pictures and myself living inside that world

This meditation is guided meditation with 7 levels. Each level has its own method to subtract the false human mind and is a very clear self-confirmation process. Because the method is very easy and simple, even the 8-year-old children and the 80-year-old grandparents can study together with the same method. If you only follow the method under guidance, anybody can do it and recover one’s original nature. If you want to learn more, please make a reservation for our introductory lecture.

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation. 
– Lao Tzu